Global Recordings Resources

The Story of Jesus In Every Language

Global Recordings Recording

The Story of Jesus In Every Language

Global Recordings Network Tapes

The Story of Jesus In Every Language

Global Recordings Network Friends

The Story of Jesus In Every Language

Global Recordings Network Building

The Story of Jesus In Every Language

Since 1953, we've been recording the story of Jesus, so that people all over the world might hear it in their own heart language.

There’s an urgent need for people around the world to hear about Jesus.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is free, and it’s for everyone. We want to keep it that way. GRN provides free Gospel recordings in more than 6,000 languages.

Learn more, be inspired, get involved.

Thousands of Recordings - One App

Languages Available
0 +
Hours of Gospel Content
0 +

Our app 5fish contains all of our recordings – and we offer it to you completely free (as the Gospel always should be!)

10 Years of 5fish!

When you can't find the words... use 5fish.

Languages Available
0 +
Hours of Gospel Content

It’s been 10 years since we first started developing 5fish, our app that contains all of our recordings.

Latest News

Today's Prayer Point


Today, as we celebrate Australia Day, let us pray that revival would come to our country. Pray for a renewed concern for the lost, both here and abroad. Pray that believers might live lives full of love, grace and a definite sense of purpose. 

What does our network do?

Interested to see behind the scenes – how we record and spread the Gospel message across the globe?

Some of our Ministry Partners


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