GRN is a leading provider of Christian evangelistic and discipleship audiovisual materials. We bring the Gospel to the world’s least reached language groups, building bridges with words and pictures.
Where there is no local Bible translation, we bring Christ.
Where there is no viable local church, we bring connection.
Where some Scripture is available, but few if any locals can make sense of it, we bring clarity.
Audiovisual materials are a particularly powerful evangelistic medium, as they communicate the Gospel to oral learners in story format.
Since the inception of GRN International in 1939, we have produced recordings in around 6,500 languages. That’s more than one language every week!
Our recordings can be downloaded free of charge from our website, and distributed via CD, email, Bluetooth and other media.
GRN is a leading provider of Christian evangelistic and discipleship audiovisual materials.
We bring the Gospel to the world’s least reached language groups, building bridges with words and pictures.
Since the inception of GRN International in 1939, we have produced recordings in around 6,500 languages. That’s more than one language every week!
Our Vision
That people might hear and understand God’s Word in their heart language – especially those who are oral communicators and those who do not have Scriptures in a form they can access.
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We have been commanded to make disciples of all nations and all peoples (Matthew 28:18-20). There are still many out there who have no access to the Gospel.
People respond best when they hear the Gospel in their own heart language. This is the language with which they feel the most comfortable and confident.
80% of all people are oral preference learners, which means they prefer to learn by hearing, rather than reading.
Our Mission
In partnership with the church, to effectively communicate the Good News of Jesus Christ by means of culturally appropriate audio and audiovisual materials in every language.
What we record
GRN records and distributes all kinds of Gospel content, from songs to Bible stories to Scripture verses.
How we record
We train and deploy missionary recordists all around the world:
no language is too obscure, no village too remote.
Our Roots

It all started with Joy …
Missionary Joy Ridderhof served faithfully in Honduras for many years. Forced to return home in 1937 due to illness, Joy’s burden to share the Gospel stayed with her – and she began producing recordings to continue to spread the Gospel from afar.
So began ‘Gospel Recordings’.
Arriving in Australia in 1953, Joy met Stuart Mill and inspired him with her idea for a hand-wound gramophone. Stuart developed the Austrophone, capable of playing 7 minute records that contained Bible messages in many tongues, so people could hear the Gospel in their own heart language.
Mission work was revolutionised!
Technology has changed over the years since, but our message and the mission have never changed. Joy’s obedience to God’s call – to reach every nation, tribe and tongue with the Good News of Jesus – has brought light and blessing to the world.
It all started with Joy …
GRN was born out of the need for evangelistic messages recorded in local languages.
Missionary Joy Ridderhof served faithfully in Honduras for many years. Forced to leave her work and return home to the USA due to illness, Joy’s burden to share the Gospel stayed with her.
By God’s grace, Joy founded Gospel Recordings. She would go on to be director of the work for 39 years, encouraging and admonishing her co-workers in mission to rejoice in all things, including adversity.
Arriving in Australia in 1953 en route to Papua New Guinea, Joy met Stuart Mill and inspired him with her idea for a hand-wound gramophone. Stuart developed the Austrophone, capable of playing 7 minute records. The records contained Bible messages in many tongues, so people could hear the Gospel in their own heart language. Mission work was revolutionised!
Technological developments over the years have diversified the communication methods open to GRN, but
the message and the mission have never changed.
Joy’s obedience to God’s call – to reach every nation, tribe and tongue with the Good News of Jesus –
has brought light and blessing to the world.
“We record messages in people’s heart language… and those recordings can be played time and time again so that people can really hear and understand God’s word”
Christine Platt
GRN Australia CEO
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