First Fruits

Leadership Matters

Finally Jurine and Mary Ann were able to attend the Leadership Matters Course! They are pictured with trainer Gary Griffith. Jurine Tolentino is our GRN Philippines Centre Leader and Mary Ann Ramos is an experienced recordist and capable administrator.

We have been trying to send our country leaders to this course run by the International Training Alliance since BC (before COVID) to better equip them to lead their centres. We pray that this will enable them to more effectively tell the story of Jesus in all the languages spoken in their country and often neighbouring countries too.

By all reports (courtesy of Facebook) they seem to have had a wonderful time, it has been very intense to the point where they have lost some sleep – but it was all worth it in the end!

We hope to bring a more complete report soon. However, as we have three more teams attending this training soon, it is good to give a preliminary report. Please pray for Jurine and Mary Ann to put what they have learned into practice. Pray too for our next cohort leaders who will be doing this course in the very near future. They serve in unmentionable Asian countries.

To support the next cohort of leaders attending this course:

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