Tumi in Oz!

Three families blessed by a tiger friend...

Over the past month or so I (Christine Platt) have made a couple of country trips. I have had the joy of meeting friends old and new. As I travel I talk about how God is using GRN to tell the story of Jesus in every language – and that includes English. During my travels I met three families with a member facing significant challenges, who each welcomed Tumi tiger into their home.

Tumi tiger

A welcome surprise

I called in to see some old friends on the road. They have a middle aged daughter who struggles with her mental health because of trauma. Hearing a little of their story I remembered that Tumi tiger was in my car. Considering that their daughter is a mature adult I was a little hesitant to suggest a tool designed for 4-12 year olds, but I did. They looked at Tumi, listened to a few tiger chats, and decided to give Tumi a go.

I received an email a couple of days later saying that their daughter went to sleep listening to Tumi that night and she slept well. Travelling to see her psychiatrist in a nearby town a few days later, she listened to Tumi and stroked her on the way remaining a lot calmer than usual on the journey.

My friends say that Tumi is ministering to their daughter in ways that are needed and helpful. They expect that Tumi will help many more people in the coming years. They were so thankful that I thought to bring Tumi in from the car to show them.

Visitors to my house

I had a young couple stay at my home. The young man spoke about his foster sister who struggles with trauma and had significant behavioural problems. I told them about Tumi and gave them one for him to take home.

I saw them again a month or so later. His mother was amazed at how Tumi was helping the little girl. Counsellors had tried to help her regulate her feelings and anger without success, but Tumi was teaching her methods to self-regulate her responses and she was putting them into practice. Tumi is a welcome member of their household.

Not the real child

After church lunch

I had a lovely visit to a rural church and was invited to the home of old friends for lunch. Present in the house were extended family members, including a young boy who was full of energy, jumped from one thing to another and never sat still. His parents suggested that I introduce him to Tumi. He was smitten! He engaged with Tumi and sat in the family room and listened to Tumi for quite some time. When he was called for lunch he said that he’d love to have a Tumi tiger!

Having a birthday coming up soon, his parents bought Tumi tiger as a birthday present. They can see great potential for Tumi to help their son (and all of them) in quite a few different situations.

What about you?

Do you know someone who might benefit from adding Tumi tiger to their family? If so, please contact the office ph: (02) 9899 2211 or email: au@globalrecordings.net

Tumi tiger retails at $69 plus $10 postage.

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