Meet Bryce
Bryce is GRN’s Accountant. He looks after the daily financial affairs of GRN.
Bryce was raised in a loving, Christian, church-going family. For many years, he had thought that he might eventually work for a mission as an accountant. There were opportunities but they didn’t align with his ongoing health issues.
After a career in commercial financial accounting, God made it abundantly clear that Bryce didn’t belong in the last company in which he was employed. God directed Bryce to check the GRN website where he found a long-standing advertisement for an Accountant. Bryce is assured of God’s call to leave the secular workforce and join GRN.
Bryce has a lot to learn and, when fully trained, will be responsible for all the day-to-day financial affairs of the ministry including operating bank accounts, looking after insurance, ensuring everyone gets paid and that thank you letters are sent.
Bryce is a partner of Bayside Community Church and has been involved in its ministry since inception in 2000, notably in finance and sound roles.
Bryce enjoys watching late night helicopter and motorcycle tours of Europe in conjunction with professional bicycle races on SBS television.
Please pray for Bryce’s work with GRN and for the growth of his prayer and financial support base.