Journeys in Francophone Africa

Graydon Colville's last official tour as ID

My last official activity as International Director was a 2-part visit to our work in Francophone (French speaking) Africa, firstly in Cameroon in March then in Ivory Coast in May. Our work in these areas is supported by GRN Switzerland under the watchful eye of Director, Philippe Tapernoux. 

Joseph Ndiba heads up the work in Cameroun and provides management oversight for the work there as well as in Chad, CAR, Gabon, Guinea, Senegal and Mali. John Coquerel watches over the countries of Togo (where he lives), Niger, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Ivory Coast and Benin. 

Weat Africa
West Africa

There were several purposes for these gatherings. The first was fellowship and encouragement. This is not an easy region to work so meeting together and swapping stories can be a greater encouragement to them. They also learn from each other. Addressing some problem issues and building unity and consensus was important. There was time spent in the Scriptures and in worship, and some structured input in the areas of recording and distribution strategies and skills, partnership development and Bible story-telling. 

Most of the program was in French so I was dependent on translation (thanks especially to Sam Bouix, European Director and Kassum from Burkina) but despite that I was tremendously encouraged by the passion and dedication of my colleagues there. The focus on distribution and outreach has always been strong but it is  encouraging to see our recording capacity grow in the region. 

Sam Bouix in action

They face many challenges including terrorism, militant Islam, Voodoo (very strong in Benin), political instability, syncretism (blending of Christian belief with traditional African religions) rampant prosperity theology, and shortage of resources. Many can only work part time as they have other jobs to help support themselves. Prayer is their greatest need. Please join with me in praying for them. 

Graydon Colville 

Former International Director 


Graydon served as Australian Director for 12 years from 2000 and then another 12 years as International Director. He is now serving in both a local and international capacity including the Global Script Ministries Co-ordinator role. 

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