From time to time we receive in the mail a letter from a solicitor informing us that a person has died and left us a share in their estate.
We receive those letters with mixed feelings. Usually there is the joy of knowing that a faithful follower of our Lord is now enjoying His presence, free from the troubles of this world. Often there is sadness – on behalf of the family who have lost a loved one, and at the realisation that we have lost another faithful prayer partner and supporter of the ministry. But there is also a great sense of thankfulness to the person and to God for His provision for GRN.
Sometimes these bequests come just when we need extra funds to carry out an important project. A major African training program, for example, was largely funded by 2 bequests. Always these bequests are a great blessing to the ministry.
So we want to take the opportunity to say thank you now to those who have already thought of this and decided to “bless GRN” after their death. And thank you to those who in the future will decide to take this step.
Of course, it is always timely to give thanks to the Lord. His love and faithfulness endures forever.
If You Are Considering Leaving a Gift…
Thank you for considering this. We understand this is a sensitive area to talk about, so we’ve prepared this information to take you through some things you need to consider.
If you have any questions, or would simply like to talk to someone about leaving a bequest to GRN in your Will, please call our Sydney office at 02 9899 2211.
How To Leave A Gift From Your Estate
To leave a gift to GRN from your estate, you first need to decide which type of legacy you want to include in your Will. It is advisable to seek legal advice to ensure your gift is valid and effective. We can help you with this process.A residuary legacyis a portion or all of what is left in your estate after specific gifts (perhaps to loved ones and close friends), taxes and debts are fulfilled.
- Suggested wording for your Will: “I give the rest of my estate [or … per cent of my residuary estate] free of all duties to Global Recordings Network Australia (ABN 85 000 260 033) for its general purposes* and direct that the receipt of the authorised officer of Global Recordings Network Australia will be a sufficient discharge to my trustees.“
A specific legacyis a gift of a particular item of property which can be used by GRN to generate funds, such as a house, vehicle, artwork, shares, or the proceeds of a named bank account.
- Suggested wording for your Will: “I give [insert a description of the item being gifted] free of all duties to Global Recordings Network Australia (ABN 85 000 260 033) for its general purposes* and direct that the receipt of the authorised officer of Global Recordings Network Australia will be a sufficient discharge to my trustees.“
A pecuniary legacyis a gift of a set dollar amount determined by you at the time of making your Will.
- Suggested wording for your Will: “I give the sum of $ [insert amount] free of all duties to Global Recordings Network Australia (ABN 85 000 260 033) for its general purposes* and direct that the receipt of the authorised officer of Global Recordings Network Australia will be a sufficient discharge to my trustees.“
* To request that funds be directed to a specific program, replace the words “general purposes” with the name of a specific purpose or project. For more information see GRN Australia Projects.
If you have included GRN Australia in your Will, please let us know so we can thank you personally. If you have chosen to do so anonymously then we thank you now.