A request has been received from Mongu, West Zambia.
“We would first like to thank you for the evangelism kits in the Fwe language that we have had from GRN in the past. They have been very popular and helpful to the Fwe community.
“To that end, we have now exhausted our latest supply and have requests for more. Would it be possible to get any more of these kits in the Fwe language of Zambia (also spoken in Namibia)?”
At least 20 sets are needed.
COST: $60.00 per set
(this includes the picture material and pre-loaded mp3 audio Bible player)
The kits will be hand carried to the end destination.
Testimony shared by missionary and translation consultant who helped GRN produce audiovisual materials in the CHIFWE language:
There is a big man, may his soul rest in peace. His name is Leonard Mulyokela.
The time when I shared with him the audio he was very impressed. He was interested. The time I was showing him how to use it and he listened to it for the first time – he was shocked. He said, “I hadn’t ever dreamed of hearing the Chifwe language being spoken on an instrument like this (mp3 audio Bible player). God indeed is Love, for that is the message that this instrument carries.”
He would often listen listen to the same audio. Especially at work, we would put it on and listen.
We lived bit distant from his home. He would often contact me, ask how am I doing and send some words of appreciation.
It’s like before he wasn’t a Christian, but as time went on, he was able to give up his life to Christ.
I liked him and he liked me. It was touching to see him listening to the message attentively. It’s like his heart was touched by the stories, because they were clear and understandable.
Unfortunately he was not able to read, so this means of having the audio-Bible was a blessing to him.He even requested that they record more of the Bible stories about Jesus Christ to be added to the player. That would be a nice thing. Unfortunately he passed away two months ago before we could do that.