ANOTHER recordist training course?

David Sinden is one of the teachers for the Asia recordist training

David Sinden, a recordist with GRN Australia, will be flying overseas this week as one of the trainers of a two-week recordist training course for Bible translators from a different ministry group. 

The recordist training participants will learn about the essential basics concerning audio and gain practical experience in using cost-effective recording equipment, audio editing and setting up a good recording environment. 

David’s trip to Asia will mark the 4th time he will give audio recording training to Christian workers outside of GRN. 

So why does GRN keep running audio recordist training courses for Christian workers of different agencies? 

Participants getting experience in using audio recording equipment
The Orality Network suggests that almost 80% of the world’s population is oral-preference learning. More people engage in Bible materials in their own language if it is in audio form rather than a literate paper form. This trend is motivating more and more Bible translators to become trained to use cost-effective recording equipment and make good quality audio recordings of their Bible translation work. This also enables Christian workers to make good audio recordings of Bible materials without having to wait for a GRN recordist to come to them.
GRN is driven by the importance of audio Bible materials to engage the primarily oral-preference learning population of the world. That’s why GRN will keep training people to equip Christians, whether GRN or from a different agency, to make resources available in people’s heart language in a way that does not depend on literacy skills.

Would you or someone else you know consider becoming a GRN recordist and being trained to make audio Bible materials? If so, please get in touch with us at

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